The Maroon Wave supports the struggle for a public education in Spain, Mexico and Chile.
Last year the government of Spain tried to approve an education law (LOMCE), with measures which would imply the elimination of public education, increasing class sizes, making huge cuts in early years education and teacher training, and badly affecting rural schools, as well as sacking large numbers of temporary teachers. They have taken advice from the OECD who says: “the government might want to restrict the promotion of the students of posterior grades and, for either, the access to the higher secondary education”. This responds to a need of the system: young workers without qualification and experience whose cost is lower than other workers.
Instead of spending money improving public education and health care, they are taking all public funds to the banks. The last year they gave 27000 million Euros to the rescue of Bankia at the same time, they fired 50000 teachers and cut 4000 million of Euros in public education.
At university the fees have increased to 20%. In some careers a complete year costs 3000 Euros and the government have cut the university grants. With this reduction, there will be up to 100000 students that cannot study at university this year.
But it’s not only a problem in Spain. We think that is a problem of whole world. In Mexico the government approved a law which imposes the antidemocratic regime and finish with the trade union freedom. Three of each 10 schools have no library; nine of each 10 have no laboratories and the 20% need reparation. Last September the teachers occupied the Zocalo (centre of the capital) to protest against this situation and the government responded with repression.
We need to fight for public education in this time of crisis. The governments of whole world use this crisis to create worse labour and social conditions that affects all of us in the future.
We support the fight for a public education in Spain, Mexico, Chile, etc. because their fight is our fight. Their worse conditions there will be our worse conditions, because all governments will try to secure the banks and the privilege of the business men against the right of humanity to a public health care and education.
We invite everyone to join the education strike mass Education Strike in Spain the 24th October. Today is the first time that all sectors of the education system have been on strike together. The green Wave/Tide will take the streets to defend public education for everyone!